Change Your Protein
Changing your protein is arguably the most impactful way you can improve your diet. Use the protein choice continuum to take the confusion out of this important Med Way step.

Beans, nuts, and seeds
- Eat beans, nuts, and seeds often. Eating more plant proteins is a great way to improve your health.
- Replace some of the meat in your diet with beans, nuts, and seeds often.
Fish and seafood
- Eat at least 8 ounces of fish and seafood per week (4 ounces per serving, two to three times per week).
- Make at least one serving a high-fat fish such as salmon.
- Eat fried fish only occasionally.
White-meat poultry
- Choose white-meat poultry, such as turkey or chicken breast.
Eggs and fat-free dairy
- Eat eggs up to 7 times per week.
- Choose fat-free dairy products such as fat-free yogurt and milk.
Lean meat
- Choose lean meat, such as lean or extra lean pork, beef, veal, or lamb. To choose lean cuts, look for “Loin” or “Round” in the name.
- Choose cuts with minimal visible fat (marbling).
- Opt for the lowest percentage of fat when selecting ground meat.
- Ask your grocer or butcher for further assistance with selecting lean and extra lean cuts.
Dark-meat poultry
- Limit dark-meat poultry such as chicken thighs and legs.
Higher-fat dairy
- Limit higher-fat dairy products.
Higher-fat meat
- Limit higher-fat meat cuts from pork, beef, veal, and lamb.
- Choose cuts with minimal visible fat (marbling).
- Opt for the lowest percentage of fat when selecting ground meat.
- Limit consumption of organs, such as liver, to about 3 ounces a month.
Highly processed meat
- Greatly limit or eliminate highly processed meat such as bacon, sausage, and most deli-meat.